Get ready for the biggest event of the year

Neco-Arc, La Creatura itself, has chosen your house to house the biggest housing event possible: The Pilker Day!
FAQ: How is that possible? No idea, friend!

Now we just need you to send it your reply:

Why should you accept such honor?
Who doesn't love a good party? C'mon dude!
One glass of pilk, makes your day "smooth as silk", WHO chief recommends
There's no escape, so why should you even bother?
Maybe this is the last chance you got to finally meet a woman!
"I don't think we can burenyuu nyan ja jaaan doridoridoridori our way out of this one boys."
Arc, Neco-

Quick! Maybe you can call the police before it comes closer!

Too late, it's already here... la creatura peligrosa...